To keep track of what we are up to:
We are sure that you don't want to be bombarded by hundreds of emails, or inane chatter, but you might want to hear occasionally what we are up to, or where we are playing, or if we are producing an album? You have a few options. We use Facebook a lot to say what is going on right now. Like us and like the occasional post to make sure they keep appearing in your news feed. We use Twitter a bit to say about upcoming gigs, we post videos of our new stuff on our YouTube channel, we also have a SoundCloud Channel, and obviously you have already found our website!
Some people have asked to be added to a mailing list. So we have set one up. It seems unlikely that we will inundate you with useless junk mail as we don't have the time to generate it (we are too busy playing music!). But we think we can do something every month or so with news of upcoming gigs, what has been happening and progress on the latest album. If you would like to get this, sign up below and make sure we are in your address book so that our messages don't go straight to junk!
Some people have asked to be added to a mailing list. So we have set one up. It seems unlikely that we will inundate you with useless junk mail as we don't have the time to generate it (we are too busy playing music!). But we think we can do something every month or so with news of upcoming gigs, what has been happening and progress on the latest album. If you would like to get this, sign up below and make sure we are in your address book so that our messages don't go straight to junk!